Place born
Organisation / Person
active 1887 -1920s?, manufacturer of leather goods, picnic baskets and silver, London, ENgland

Drew and Sons

1887 - 1935

1888-1971, medical scientist; inventor, American

Rife, Royal Raymond

1888 - 1971

1888-1946, television engineer, entrepreneur, Scottish; British

Baird, John Logie

1888 - 1946

active 1888-1971, manufacturing chemist, Nottingham

Boots Pure Drug Company Limited

1888 - 1971

1888-1981, scientific instrument, optics, camera and cinema projector manufacturer, Leeds

A. Kershaw and Sons Limited


active 1888-1920s, electrical measuring instruments (light meters etc), New Jersey, United States

Weston Electrical Instrument Company


1886-1926, optical instrument and camera manufacturer, Berlin

C P Goerz

1886 - 1926

Wallis, Barnes Neville

1887 - 1979

active 1888-1930s, printer, Harrow; London

David Allen and Sons Limited

1888 - 1939

1887-1948(?), haulage firm, British

Carter, Paterson and Company Limited

1887 - 1948

active 1879-1986, pharmacist and surgical instrument makers, English

Brady and Martin Limited

1886 - 1986

active 1887-1979, laboratory apparatus & instrument maker, Glasgow, Scotland

Baird and Tatlock Limited

1887 - 1979

1886-current (2015), electronic/ mechanical engineering equipment designer/ manufacturer, Berlin

Robert Bosch GmbH


1887-1948, an automotive engineer; designer, British

Carwardine, George

1887 - 1948

1888-current (2010), medical & scientific instrument manufacturer/ supplier, London, British

G H Zeal Limited


Bristol Tramways and Carriage Company Limited

1887 - 1947

1898-1915, magazine, English; British

The Girl's Realm

1811 - 1911

Purvis, Tom (1880-1957)


1886 -, scientific instruments supplier, Chicago, United States

C H Stoelting Company


1888-1939, camera manufacturer, Altrincham

Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Company

1888 - 1939

1886-1924, lens manufacturer, Leicester, England

Taylor, Taylor and Hobson Limited

1886 - 1924

1887-1982, physician; surgeon, British

Keynes, Sir Geoffrey Langdon

1887 - 1982

1886-1967, phrenological society, British

British Phrenological Society

1886 - 1967

1888-1960, artist; illustrator; pharmacist, British

Wright, Horace

1888 - 1960

1888-1948, active 1930-1940, poster artist, British

Byatt, Edwin

1888 - 1948

1888-1959, graphic designer; poster artist, British; English

Purvis, Tom

1888 - 1959

1887-1952, railway company, Bengal

Bengal Nagpur Railway Company

1887 - 1952

1887-ca. 1942, designer; carver, Andorran

Fornells i Marco, Eduard

1887 - 1942

1887-1951, graphic designer; poster artist, British; English

Newbould, Frank

1887 - 1951

1892-, printer, publisher, Aldershot

Gale and Polden Limited

1888 - 1963

1887-1942, painter; artist; porcelain painter; poster artist, British

Tittensor, Harry

1887 - 1942

1886-1939, miner; artist, British

Daykin, Gilbert

1886 - 1939

1887-1975, engineering; shipbuilding; aero engine manufacturer; road vehicles, Parkhead, Glasgow, Scotland, British

William Beardmore and Company Limited

1887 - 1975

1888-either after 1951 or 1960, artist; painter; poster artist, British

Broadhead, W Smithson

1888 - 1960

1888-current (2011), manufacturer of tyres, rubber goods and industrial equipment, United Kingdom



1900-1931, bicycle, motorcycle and car manufacturer, English; British

Humber Limited

1887 - 1931

Baird, John Logie

1888 - 1946

Hedges, Nick


1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1887-1960, poster artist, British

Ayling, George

1887 - 1960

1888-1959, poster artist; artist; painter, British

Nicoll, Gordon

1888 - 1959

1887-?, artist; poster artist

Rowles, S. C.


Partington, James Riddick

1886 - 1965

1886-1947, railway company, India

North Western Railway (India)

1886 - 1947

1888-1966, instrument maker, British

King, Arthur Charles

1888 - 1966

1887-1959, cartoonist, artist; writer, British

Bairnsfather, Bruce

1887 - 1959

1897-1968, engineering and manufacturing: agricultural; marine; civil; and aeronautical, Norwich, Norfolk, England, British

Boulton and Paul Limited

1812 - 1968

1886-1997, power generation, electronics, manufacturing and broadcasting conglomerate, United States

Westinghouse Electric Corporation

1886 - 1997

1887-1970, artist; poster artist, British

Herrick, Frederick Charles

1887 - 1970

active 1886-current (2009), Hot drink manufacturer, Burton-on-Trent

Bovril Limited